Each legal type of good will also give points to the "King" and "Queen"- the person with the most and second most number of that type of card. You also get 1 point for each gold remaining.

Contraband cards are generally worth more coins that legal cards. Scores are tallied based on the numbers in the top right of the card. The game ends after each player has been sheriff an equal number of times.

If the player was lying, they forfeit any contraband or undeclared goods AND they must pay the Sheriff gold equal to the total number displayed in the bottom right corner of the card. If the Sheriff inspects the goods and finds that the player was telling the truth and was not transporting any contraband goods, the Sheriff must pay the player gold equal to the total number displayed in the bottom right corner of the card. Promises must be kept unless the promise is for a card that is not really in the bag, or for future actions. The Sheriff only gets to keep this bribe if they decide to let the player pass without inspection. A player may also include coins, promises of actions or cards as an incentive for the Sheriff not to inspect their goods. All other goods are considered contraband. There are four types of legal goods: Apples, Cheese, Bread, and Chickens. Players may only declare one type of good, and it must be a legal good. They may lie about the type of good, but they must be truthful about the number of cards. Once this is done, the player must declare what goods they are transporting. Next players will select which goods they wish to transport into town and place them secretly in a small bag to conceal them. Each round, all players not currently the sheriff have the opportunity to visit the market- where they can discard up to five of their cards and then replace those cards either with the top cards of the discard pile, or by drawing from the deck. The player with the most real cash on them will be the Sheriff first. Goods cards are then shuffled and six cards are dealt to each player with the rest going to the center of the table face down. Players choose a color and select the matching board. A player may lie, bribe, or mislead to get the most points scoring goods into the city without being caught. Players must declare what goods they have in their bag and the Sheriff may choose to let them pass or inspect their goods to see if they are carrying the goods they claim. In the game, players take turns acting as the Sheriff while the other players try to bring goods into the city. Sheriff of Nottingham was released on October 10, 2014. Sheriff of Nottingham is a multiplayer bluffing board game designed by Sergio Halaban, Bryan Pope, Andre Zatz and originally published Arcane Wonders as the first in their Dice Tower Essentials line. Multiplayer board game Sheriff of Nottingham Designers