12 labours of hercules iv mother nature platinum edition
12 labours of hercules iv mother nature platinum edition

12 labours of hercules iv mother nature platinum edition

Clearing off more roadways does no good if you are constantly running out of resources and having to stop and wait.


If you are going to need gold, upgrade your Gold Mines as soon as possible. If you have plenty of wood, don’t send your workers to gather more. It does not always find the most efficient route, but it will help you if you are overlooking something. – If you are stuck, waiting for a second or two usually produces and Blue Arrow that will point out what you should do next. Use these for speed boosts, extra helping hands, and occasionally even to stop the clock. – You have helpful buttons on the bottom right side of the screen. If you want to stay on three-star time, you have to pick and choose only those actions that move you quickly toward your objectives. On most stages, there will be many more resources to collect, ghosts to scare, obelisks to build, and buildings to upgrade than you need.

12 labours of hercules iv mother nature platinum edition

Use this to stay three or four moves ahead. Clicking on something gives the command to perform the appropriate action even if everyone is busy. He will disappear but return in a few seconds. Only Hercules can defeat him, and only temporarily. If any worker comes near him, he will shout and scare them back to the storehouse. Hercules’ Evil Twin appears on some levels. You will have to find and build Medusa’s Lair before she can be summoned, and it costs gold to get her to come out and turn a minotaur to stone. – Minotaurs can only be removed by Medusa. They cost gold to remove, but usually not too much. – Ghosts can be removed only by Cerberus. The y come in sizes small and large, and can often be avoided entirely. – Crystals can be removed by any worker, but cost gold, and sometimes a lot of gold, to be removed. Boulders can only be moved by Hercules, and may take a lot of food to get rid of. There may be a way to avoid them entirely. – Boulders block a section of the roadway. There are several special obstacles to outline here: Most of them are removed by paying either food, wood, or gold, and many of them give an alternate resource in return. Gold can be collected from King Midas in exchange for food or wood. Gold is used to repair some bridges, and it is used to get Medusa to turn minotaurs to stone or Cerberus to chase ghosts back to the underworld. It is often hard to collect much gold, and there are many levels on which you will need quite a bit. Wood can be traded to King Midas in exchange for gold, or collected from the Trojan in exchange for food. On most higher levels, you will want to upgrade your Workshop as soon as possible, because wood allows you to build bridges, repair roads, and build or upgrade other buildings. It can also be gathered by chopping down dead trees, or created in a Workshop.

12 labours of hercules iv mother nature platinum edition

Food can be traded with the Trojan centurion in exchange for wood, or it can be traded to King Midas in exchange for gold. The most efficient way to create food is with a Fruit Tree, but a level-three farm will also produce a good amount in very little time. It can be found in the road, picked from Fruit Trees, grown on Farms, or gathered as a Ham if there is a lion available. Resources are used to build or upgrade buildings or to remove obstacles.įood looks like Cheese. It is usually most efficient to find the resources on the road, but there is rarely enough of any resource available that way. All three can be found, gathered, or created in a building. The three resources are food, wood, and gold. You play this game by clicking to collect resources, remove obstacles, and upgrade buildings.

  • 12 Labours of Hercules IV – Mother Nature Walkthrough.
  • Bring dead trees back to life, smash hydrants to water the forests, and send ghosts screaming back to the afterlife. You lead Hercules, his wife Megara, their servants, and a host of mythical beings including Medusa and Cerberus on a quest to save the earth from a curse laid out by ancient evils. 12 Labours of Hercules IV – Mother Nature is a strategic time-management game.

    12 labours of hercules iv mother nature platinum edition